Thursday, March 22, 2012

Lilac bloom

The lilac blooms are almost ready to smell........................................

Dusty's toy

One of our cats, Dusty, came to us as a kitten with a toy.
He was found and brought to a local community vet hospital.......where he was cared for until we brought him home. When we arrived at the vet to take Dusty home, the employees gave us a toy and said this was Dusty's favorite toy. Several years later, this is still Dusty's favorite toy. Dusty has lost his toy several times over.........and when we find it, he plays with nothing else. Dusty plays fetch with this toy and likes to dunk it into his water bowl before bringing it to me to toss..............................Dusty's toy drying on the clothesline..............

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Monday, March 19, 2012

Hatteras Lighthouse

The Hatteras lighthouse was built in 1872. It is, possibility, the most famous North Carolina landmark today. By the 1940's, the ocean was encroaching and a great concern. After numerous attempts to stop the ocean, the decision was made to move the Hatteras lighthouse further inland. This image was taken in December of 1998. In January of 1999, the Hatteras lighthouse was closed to the public and prepared to be moved. It is now further inland and safe.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

A walk in the yard 03-18-12

When you walk in the yard with a macro lens..........racked out to maximum...........the yard becomes traveling the United States and never seeing everything.......................

Friday, March 16, 2012

Hale Bopp comet

On March 22 1997, Hale Bopp comet made it's closest approach to earth.............and put on an incredible show. Myself and two other photographers built homemade star trackers(an old boy scout project) and spent many nights making photographs.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Peach tree 2012

15 to 20 years ago, I innocently discarded compose,including a peach pit, to a compose pile on the edge of the woods..................Just goes to show that, even in nature, there are "rags to riches"

Sunday, March 11, 2012

A walk in the yard with my camera

On a beautiful Sunday afternoon(my day off)................I looked at my to do list................wash clothes, clean house, pay bills,................or.............I could walk around the yard with my camera..................