I choose a country route through the rolling hills of the Uwharries which took us through Coleridge. Coleridge was a cotton mill community on the Deep river. The mill is no longer producing cotton products or a community....................only photo opportunities.
When we approached the Seagrove area, I knew it was going to be a hit and miss endeavor. Each potter store we explored, I quickly scanned for the cups while Liz was chasing light with her camera. After several false alarms, I recognized "Hard Times pottery" as the place I remembered..........except........it was closed.
I hesitated to leave and wondered, sense this was a private residence, the owner may be sitting in her kitchen......... watching us with binoculars.........trying to decide, are they buyers or lookers. I tried to look as disappointed as I could. I imagined I just found out I was adopted and my parents are from the South Bronx and has never had grits or fried bologna. After a few moments, a car pulled up........and it was the owner.
She had three cups left and one fit perfectly. On the way home, I was thinking that Liz and I just had a wonderful treasure hunt. I found two treasures.....a cup........and another........"remember that time".......with Liz.